Monday, March 29, 2010

He’s So Sweet to Me

I got another call from my boyfriend a few days ago.  What amazes me is how strong he still is.  I think a lot of twenty-four year old terminally ill guys that find themselves in the System would be discouraged ornery.

Nope, not my man.  He’s confused to all his misdeeds and fully willing to take on the consequences.  He’s totally accepted that he’s in jail and probably go to prison, and even that there’s a good possibility that he’ll die in the System.  He’s willing to comply and do his best, come what may.

What he said to me after I confessed that I had a Mixed Episode was “Oh my God, what happened Baby? Are you okay?”… I was stunned.  It’s like, ‘Hun.  Your the one whose in jail and dying.  Are you okay?  What’s your pain-level cancer-wise?  What can I do to help you?  Is there anything you want to to send?’

He was automatically worried about me.  How sweet is that?  I’ve only been dating this man for a little while now… but I find him so inspiring, sweet, and thoughtful.  I mean, even though he’s in the System, he’s overcame so much and has one of the best outlooks on life that I’ve ever met.

It’s almost astounding.

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