Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Teenagers in this community are in need....

Too Much Coffee

You know when you drink too much coffee when the staff at Jo-to-Go’s recognize when you get a haircut.

2/3 of The Child Called It Trilogy

So far, from this past weekend I’ve read both the Child Called It and The Lost Boy, both from Dave Palzer. Both were quick reads

The Child Called It was everything I expected to be; it was well written (from the perspective of a 5-12 as the book progresses) and the details of what another human being can do to another (especially from a mother to child) were both vivid and disturbing.

The Lost Boy was more uplifting.  It chronicled Dave’s teenage years going through different foster homes and even a Juvenile Hall.  Throughout the whole book it was inspiring how driven this teenage boy was.  He was so focused, especially the second half of the book, of making his life make a difference.  He was very self aware of where he’d come from – even though he didn’t fully comprehend it – and where he needs to go.

Looking forward to your next one, Dave.  Should have you consumed within the next forty-eight hours or so.

Monday, February 22, 2010

I learned because I wanted to, not to get the points

Last week I was late for class because I had an upset stomach and was using the bathroom when the class started.  As soon as I sat down, the teacher handed out a pop quiz.

Even though I had actually studied for the know ‘pop’ quiz – there’s one every week it seems – my stomach was so distracting and blucky that I completely coped out of it.

As soon as I got the test, I wrote big in letters:


I then handed it do the teacher, about a minute after he handed it out and told him to read it.
He said, “Oookay.”   In a very manner a fact way.
And that was that.
In retrospect at first I felt a bit guilty about the bluntness of it; but then I thought about the whole thing in prospective.
I was late; therefore I automatically didn’t receive the ‘participation’ points for showing up to class.
I didn’t take the pop quiz’ which was the only other points we could have received that day.
So really, even though I received no points for being in class that day and was even marked absent;  I still made a point to ask questions and learn from the lecture.
I wish everyday and everyone was like that.  Go to class because you generally want to learn, and get decide and portray everything you want to get out of that class period and do it.  Not show up because of the mandatory ‘participation’ point teachers must hand out.  Go because you want to get something out of it.
So last Thursday that’s what I did.  I had absolutely no credit for showing up and yet I still learned a lot; how fucking cool is that?