Saturday, February 13, 2010

I talked with him tonight...

I had the lovely pleasure of talking to Duncan for the first time in years. This is from my favorite scene of his favorite movie.

Friday, February 12, 2010

She's got herself hitched!

My best friend from fifth grade got married today; how fucking weird is that?

Man, I feel so old.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Class Today Was Long, Then Embarrassing

During a long, well only three hour but it seems much longer, class, the teacher gave us an additional break to go ‘walk around and wake up’ because no student was really participating other than taking notes quietly. I guess sometimes not actively learning passes off in extra caffeine splurges and potty breaks…

I also embarrassed myself completely but was able to at least save myself in part.

My teacher asked the definition of “Procedural” Law. I quickly found it in the text book and read, right out of the book, “body of rules that determines the proceeding by which legal rights are enforced”. which by the textbook’s first sentence under Procedural Law was correct. He wanted me to give an example. I had none because that one sentence I read was the only thing I knew about Procedural Law.

Turns out I’m terrible at being quick by my feet or whipping examples out of my head and started blabbing about how I once went on a date with a Cop and he explained to me that it’s not worth their time to pull someone over if they aren’t going over ten miles about the speed limit.

As soon as I stated “Well I once went on a date with a Cop…” the teacher exaggeratedly started freaking out and hiding behind the screen sprouting laughter from the other students while I continued my example, only louder.

After folks had calmed down and I was probably red in the face, the teacher stated that whenever he heart anything that has to do with a ‘date’ and procedural law, the limerick “There once was a man from Nantucket…” came to mind and therefore hid. We both know that nothing ever comes out good when someone says any like the “Nantucket” joke.

I then, while laughing along I said I will never use that prelude again in this class.

Oh well. I guess this will reaffirm that my classmates will now know my name.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Oh the joys and sorrows of FASA and College tuition.  Mostly they are sorrows – like how I found out the on the Thursday before the Monday when I was supposed to receive the refund, the school sent me a letter saying that I owed them $250 dollars before I would receive my FAFA refund.

But then are they occasional joys, and I must admit the joys are very much occasional, when you unexpectedly receive a refund.

Here’s how it went down. I logged into my Credit Union account as I do a couple times a week because I’m terrible at managing my checking account; and low and behold! My Checking had over $500 dollars more than I thought there’d be! I clinked into the account and saw that my School’s PDDCheck sent me a $530 refund.

Wow.  I am feeling so very blessed!  Plus my night class got canceled because of the snow (even though there are only 4-6’’ out there which really isn’t much for WI), so I got to take a much needed nap this afternoon instead of doing homework, and then I’m suddenly over half a thousand dollars richer!  Sweet.


Typography from Ronnie Bruce on Vimeo.

Taylor Mali inspires me. He was a teacher for years before he was a Spoken Word Poet professionally. I’m sure I’ll put up more in his stuff in posts to come.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Red Letter Definition

memorable; especially important or happy –

I’m in college, these are supposed to be the most memorable years of my life