Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Oh the joys and sorrows of FASA and College tuition.  Mostly they are sorrows – like how I found out the on the Thursday before the Monday when I was supposed to receive the refund, the school sent me a letter saying that I owed them $250 dollars before I would receive my FAFA refund.

But then are they occasional joys, and I must admit the joys are very much occasional, when you unexpectedly receive a refund.

Here’s how it went down. I logged into my Credit Union account as I do a couple times a week because I’m terrible at managing my checking account; and low and behold! My Checking had over $500 dollars more than I thought there’d be! I clinked into the account and saw that my School’s PDDCheck sent me a $530 refund.

Wow.  I am feeling so very blessed!  Plus my night class got canceled because of the snow (even though there are only 4-6’’ out there which really isn’t much for WI), so I got to take a much needed nap this afternoon instead of doing homework, and then I’m suddenly over half a thousand dollars richer!  Sweet.

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