Sunday, March 14, 2010

Intro to Mind and Body by Angus Gellatly

Intro to Mind & Brain (Intro To) Intro to Mind & Brain by Angus Gellatly

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Great book, a real turn-pager.

I loved how it went through the history of how cultures thought about the brain in the past, the history of theorists on the brain and some of the strange beliefs about the brain (standing on an electrified fish for treatment),lots of information about how the LH and RH work, and details about some really cool disorders that I have never heard of like split brains, Wernicke's vs. Broca's Aphasia, Balint's Syndrome.

The great thing about this book is that throughout the information, there were comics,drawn pictures, and lots of maps to easily understand where the part of the brain they are talking discussing.

Very cool. Read it in about 3.5 hours.

View all my reviews >>

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